The Drug Ecstasy

Even though more men than women take ecstasy more women die from it. Why? Ecstasy is also known by its chemical name, MDMA, though a big problem with it is that it’s rarely pure. Sometimes, there is no MDMA at all. Regardless of what it looks like and what it is called, you can’t be sure what’s in a pill or a powder and you can’t predict how you’ll react.

Ecstasy is a Class A drug. This means that it’s illegal to possess, give away or sell. Possessing it can lead to a prison sentence of up to 7 years or an unlimited fine or both. Supplying (which includes giving it to a friend) could lead to a life sentence or an unlimited fine or both. Remember: Having a criminal record can make it difficult for you to get a job or visa if you want to travel abroad.

17 thoughts on “The Drug Ecstasy

  1. Ecstasy is a class A drug which is very harmful and can kill a person in a few hours if not minutes. You can also get into serious trouble with the police if you are found with it on your person. This would lead to a criminal record and can affect your future.


  2. Ecstasy is a class A drug that is very harmful as you cannot be sure what is in a pill or powder or how you will react to It until it is taken.


  3. You will never know what is in the drug and what type of powder it may contain. It can affect people of different ages and different body types in different ways, so you will never know how you will react to ecstasy. More women have fatal experiences with ecstasy than men even though men take it. In addition, the consequences of possessing ecstasy can lead to 7 years in prison or a fine. Having a criminal record can affect your future.


  4. Ecstasy is a very harmful, class A drug which possessing it or dealing it can lead to prison or an unlimited fine or both. You don’t know what is in the powder or pill you are taking and you don’t know how you will react.


  5. I think this is a very good article because it informs you about drug use and shows how the consequences will affect you in later life.


  6. Ecstasy is a very harmful class A drug which an affect many lives. You can be put to jail and will be on your criminal record which can affect career options. You have to be careful with who you hang out with if someone offers you some you must say no. It can be hard when your being peer pressured but just keep saying no or walk away. Taking it can destroy your life and aspirations


  7. Ecstasy is a very harmful class A drug as you don’t always know what the drug contains and can get you into serious trouble like going to jail for up to 7 years. You have to always be careful when socializing with different groups of people as some people may push you into selling the drugs or taking them. Either one if the police finds out you are to do with them they will arrest you, even if you weren’t responsible of the drugs.


  8. Ecstasy is a very harmful class A drug that can get you into lots of trouble and send you to prison for up to 7 years. You have to make sure what groups of people you hang out with because these drugs are illegal and can get you into serious trouble even if it wasn’t you who supplied the drug


  9. Ecstasy can be harmful to you or anyone who takes the drug. Sometimes it will have no effect but it varies between people. Often the drug isn’t just MDMA and can be other substances, you could not tell what’s in by just looking at it, so whatever’s in it could also be harmful. It is illegal to possess it give it away and take it.


  10. Ecstasy can be very harmful. You also never know what is inside a pill or powder so make sure you are aware.


  11. Ecstasy has different affects on people depending on their age,gender and your body. No one knows what will happen or how bad the pill or powder will affect your body.


  12. Ecstasy can be very harmful and you also never know what’s in a pill or a powder so make sure you’re aware of what’s going on


  13. Ecstasy has different affect on different people according to there age, gender and your body. You don’t know what will happen to you until you take it


  14. Ecstasy can be harmful to yourself and also others around you. Selling it can get you mixed in with the wrong groups of people and can get you into other types of trouble as well, therefore its best to stay away from it all.


  15. Ecstasy can be bad, as supplying it can result in being imprisoned for a long period of time or an unlimited fine, which can affect your future.


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