Poppy Ajudha’s Song about Abortion Laws

Asked about her song ‘Playgod’ Poppy Ajudha explains: “Abortion is still illegal in many countries around the world and is shamed in even more. I wrote this song when a group of men tried to pass an anti abortion bill in the state of Alabama, America. I was angry at how in every corner of culture and society across every inch of the earth, men try to play God, again and again. But I am amazed at how humans are built with so much resistance and resilience for good when we know something is wrong and will always fight against it. This song is an act of resistance to those who try to control that which is not theirs to be in control of…”

The lyrics are really interesting with how the word God is used. The song explains how people are acting like God in an omnipotent, powerful way deciding on whether there is life or not:

[Verse 1]
Sister stand up for what you believe
I hear anarchy in the way you speak
Teach her not to give up, only how to seek
Ain’t no anarchy in the way they cheat

[Verse 2]
Sister stand up for what you believe
Fight the power or die at their feet
I know they don’t see what you see
But don’t fight the people for being sheep

He plays God
He plays God
God are the men who make you pay
God are the men who force your way
Play God is the image that he made

What is anarchy? In a negative sense it is a state of disorder due to absence of authority or other controlling systems, whereas in a positive sense it is the absence of government and absolute freedom of the individual.

What is abortion? An abortion is the medical process of ending a pregnancy so it doesn’t result in the birth of a baby. There are different laws about abortion around the world. In England the Abortion Act of 1967 allows termination of a pregnancy by a registered medical practitioner. The woman is usually less than 24 weeks pregnant, and the abortion would be taking place to prevent serious damage to the woman’s physical or mental health, or any of her existing children. Abortion can also be legal, even after 24 weeks, if there is a serious threat to the woman’s health or life, or there is substantial risk that the child will be born with physical or mental abnormalities and be seriously disabled. In GCSE Religious Studies some schools learn about abortion, the alternatives and what religions think about abortion.

Anglican Archbishop Desmond Tutu – An Incredible Man and Christian


I’ve written before about the incredible Archbishop Desmond Tutu in relation to racism, apartheid, Christian faith and his more recent comments about euthanasia and LGBTQ+ relationships. Today though we are taking a more in-depth look at this great South African who was born in 1931 and died on December 26th 2021, with a life story rich in heroic actions and words. BBC iPlayer have an approximately 20 minute report on his life, and a shorter 3 minute video about his life can be found on YouTube by the BBC World Service. A longer read can be found in the Guardian’s obituary from Sunday 26th December 2021.

He was one of South Africa’s most well-known human rights activists, and won the 1984 Nobel Peace Prize for his efforts in ending Apartheid. He was the first Black Anglican Archbishop of both Cape Town and Johannesburg. He had supported the economic boycott of South Africa, when people refused to buy a certain product or do business with companies from South Africa, while at the same time encouraging reconciliation (restoring friendly relations) between the different groups in South Africa. Years later in an interview with ITV he said: “Enemies are always friends waiting to be made.”


Here is an example of what life was like in South Africa from the 1940s to 1990 under Apartheid:


When Nelson Mandela was freed from prison in 1990 and elected as South Africa’s first Black president—he appointed Desmond Tutu chairperson of the Truth and Reconciliation Commission. This Commission investigated human rights abuses on both sides during the Apartheid era and consisted of three elements: confession, forgiveness and restitution. The aim was not to prosecute and find people ‘guilty’. The hearings took place over three years and many were broadcast on TV. Archbishop Desmond Tutu knew the process wasn’t perfect but would help long-term reconciliation and healing. Below is a picture of Desmond Tutu in white, with Nelson Mandela in a black suit to his left from 1994.

Tutu and Mandela

“Africans believe in something that is difficult to render in English. We call is ubuntu, botho. It means the essence of being human.You know when it is there and when it is absent, it speaks about humanness, gentleness, hospitality, putting yourself out on behalf of others, being vulnerable. It embraces compassion and roughness. It recognizes that my humanity is bound up in yours, for we can only be human together.” – Desmond Tutu

What is an Anglican Christian?

Anglicans believe that there is only one God, but there are three elements to this one God: God the Father, God the Son, God the Holy Spirit.

Anglicans consider the Bible to be fundamental to life as a Christian.

Anglicans believe that the Christian life involves regular praise and prayer, both private and public, and that Christians must practise what they preach and pray – both on Sundays (the day when Anglicans normally gather for worship) and every day, as they seek to live out their worship.

Anglicans believe that people become members of God’s Church through Baptism, and all Christians celebrate Holy Communion (also known as Eucharist) as a shared ‘meal’ (of bread/wafer and wine) which they eat together in Jesus’ name.

Anglicans accept the major Creeds as expressing their Christian faith: The Apostle’s Creed is the statement of faith used in Baptism and Morning and Evening Prayer, while the Nicene Creed is prayed in the service of Holy Communion.


Brunei’s defence in face of huge condemnation

On 3rd April 2019 Brunei introduced the 2nd stage of Sharia law. The first phase of Sharia Law started in 2014 and covered crimes that were punishable by prison sentences and fines. The 2nd stage has really shocked people around the world as Brunei gradually bring Sharia law in law alongside common law.

What is Sharia law ? It comes from a combination of sources including the Qur’an (the Muslim holy book), the Hadith (sayings and conduct of the prophet Muhammad) and fatwas (the rulings of Islamic scholars).

brunei on map

For example with this 2nd stage, individuals who are accused of certain acts will be convicted if they confess or if there were witnesses present. Certain acts which would get the death penalty are: rape, gay (anal) sex, robbery and insult of the Prophet Muhammad PBUH.  Lesbian sex would either get the penalty of 40 strokes of the cane and/or a maximum of 10 years in jail. The maximum punishment for theft in Sharia law is amputation.

We actually learn this quote for the Crime and Punishment unit on the Religious Studies GCSE that explains the theft punishment:

“Cut off the hands of thieves, whether they are man or woman, as punishment for what they have done – a deterrent from God” Qur’an 5:38

Anyway, people were naturally shocked from the around the world to hear such harsh and extreme punishments:

  • The UN’s High Commissioner for Human Rights warned that the new laws broke international human rights standards which are set out in the 1948 Universal Declaration of Human Rights, something which Brunei signed up to in 2006.
  • Celebrities such as George Clooney, Ellen and Elton John are asking people to boycott hotels from the Dorchester chain because they are owned by the Brunei government. Boycotting is a method of protest when you purposefully stop using a product to show your dislike of an idea/ belief.
  • London’s transport network Transport for London (TfL) has agreed to take down advertising by Brunei and its government-owned airline Royal Brunei Airlines, after members of the public condemned the country’s new strict LGBT laws.

An interesting response, and one shared by many Muslims who don’t look at Sharia as being all about the punishments but actually for helping humans in a way guided by god, has come from Brunei’s minister of foreign affairs. Mr Yusof has said that Sharia Law  “focuses more on prevention than punishment. Its aim is to educate, deter, rehabilitate and nurture rather than to punish”. These aims of punishment will be well-known by GCSE Religious Studies students:



Just two missing: vindication (you have to punish to support the law’s existence) and reparation (paying back society or a victim for the harm caused).

Mr Yisof goes on to say that Sharia does not criminalise based on sexual orientation or belief, including same-sex relations. The criminalisation of “adultery and sodomy is to safeguard the sanctity of family lineage and marriage of individual Muslims, particularly women”.  This type of argument has been used in Britain too, when people say they aren’t being homophobic and are just trying to protect family and marriage, even though they are making comments or taking action discriminating against the LGBT community.

Finally, if we go back to the quote from the Quran… “Cut off the hands of thieves, whether they are man or woman, as punishment for what they have done – a deterrent from God” Qur’an 5:38.

As with many holy books our interpretation of it can be skewed if you only read parts of it. Straight after the ‘cutting the hands off’ part you’ll find this:

“Yet whoever repents, even after his injustice, and acts righteously, then surely Allah relents towards (i.e. accepts his repentance) him; surely Allah is Ever-Forgiving, Ever-Merciful” Qur’an 5:39.



Mari Oliver from Texas is Suing Her School

Mari Oliver is 17 years old and is suing her school for reprimanding her when she chooses not to stand for the Pledge of Allegiance (to the USA).

texas Sue

It sounds like Mari Oliver is annoyed that certain human rights from the Universal Declaration of Human Rights (udhr_booklet_en_web) are being denied to African Americans in the USA:

Article 7 – All are equal before the law and are entitled without any discrimination to equal protection of the law. All are entitled to equal protection against any discrimination in violation of this Declaration and against any incitement to such discrimination.

Article 10 – Everyone is entitled in full equality to a fair and public hearing by an independent and impartial tribunal, in the determination of his rights and obligations and of any criminal charge against him.

Article 18 –  Everyone has the right to freedom of thought, conscience and religion; this right includes freedom to change his religion or belief, and freedom, either alone or in community with others and in public or private, to manifest his religion or belief in teaching, practice, worship and observance

Can you think of any more human rights which are being denied?

Chechnya’s Human Rights abuses against the LGBT community

Amnesty International are currently working to raise awareness of Chechnya’s abduction and killing of LGBT people. ‘According to independent daily newspaper, Novaya Gazeta, up to 100 men suspected of being gay have been abducted as part of a coordinated government campaign.’ It has been in the news for the last month about human rights abuses being meted out to the LGBT community in Chechnya simply because of their sexuality. Time magazine showed it on their YouTube channel, as did CNN and Sky News.

Dozens of gay men from Chechnya who’ve been trying to flee the region in fear for their lives are hopeful that a country will act as a safe haven for them and issue them a visa. Nine men have already been granted visas. Two of them went to Lithuania, which has announced its involvement. “It’s very important to act, because they are suffering,” Foreign Minister Linas Linkevicius told the BBC. He would not name the other countries involved but described them as “allies”. His country’s decision was an “implicit message” to Russia, he said, because “we are taking care of Russian citizens… [whose] rights were abused”.

If you are thinking, ‘where is Chechnya?’ or ‘why have I heard of this place before?’ then maybe a read of the Washington Post’s 9 questions about Chechnya and Dagestan you were too embarrassed to ask  might be worth a read!


Exciting film awaits about Syrian Swimmer

Stephen Daldry, a famous director, has announced he’s working on a film about Syrian swimmer Yusra Mardini.


Mardini who was already a promising swimmer before she left the civil war in Syria travelled with her sister to Lebanon, then on to the Turkish port of Izmir, before  getting onto an overcrowded dinghy bound for the Greek island of Lesbos. But less than half an hour into their journey the motor stopped and the boat threatened to capsize: out of the 20 people aboard, only three knew how to swim: Yusra being one of them. For more than three hours, they did what had to be done, swimming alongside the dinghy, pushing, pulling and cajoling it until they reached land.

“I thought it would be a real shame if I drowned in the sea, because I am a swimmer,” Yusra recalls

She eventually settled in Germany, joined a swim team in Berlin and within months she was in Brazil, one of the 43 stateless athletes competing in Rio as the first ever refugee team. The film of her life is going to be both interesting in how it shows the escape from a war torn country as well as the determination of a young athlete aiming for swimming glory.

In class this week when discussing with Year 8 students what their human rights are we’ve mentioned Article 14 of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights: (1) Everyone has the right to seek and to enjoy in other countries asylum from persecution.

migrant or refugee


Human Rights and Amnesty International

We’re lucky to have an Amnesty International Youth Group at school where students on Wednesdays after school in Room 8 can meet, discuss, learn and take decisive action on Human Rights issues happening all around the world.


If you’re feeling that world events are spiralling in to a dangerous position of racism, discrimination and intolerance, perhaps a visit to the Amnesty group might allow you a place to safely voice your fears and learn how to take action.

One of the issues that Amnesty International‘s works tirelessly on is the treatment of refugees.  They do however also get involved in debates about any issue which affects human rights such as the death penalty, the Hillsborough disaster and North Korea.


United Nations Keeps Cropping Up

In Religious Studies lessons about war and conflict whether it be in the Autumn term of Year 9 or the Autumn term of Year 10 at GCSE level we delve in to the organisation: The United Nations. We look at why it was created and what it does to promote world peace.

In recent days and I imagine in the weeks and months to come this organisation will appear increasingly in the news, or it certainly needs to. It will respond to world events concerning refugees and discrimination against Muslims, because that was what it was designed to do.

Today news reports say that the German Chancellor (Germany’s equivalent of Prime Minister) had to explain to the US President Donald Trump what the UN Geneva Refugee Convention means. Since 1951 the Refugee Convention has defined exactly what a refugee is and agreed that refugees should never be sent back to place where they face serious threats to the life and freedom. The UNHCFR, United Nations Refugee Agency, has some interested stories to tell of how British people have welcomed refugees. Sir Mo Farah the Olympic long distance runner who was a refugee from Somalia and settled in Britain as a child, has spoken out against the US President’s actions in recent days where certain nationalities (people from Iran, Iraq, Libya, Somalia, Sudan, Syria and Yemen) have been banned from travelling to the US for 90 days, all of them Muslim majority countries.

A spokesperson for Angela Merkel said:  “The chancellor regrets the US government’s entry ban against refugees and the citizens of certain countries. She is convinced that the necessary, decisive battle against terrorism does not justify a general suspicion against people of a certain origin or a certain religion. The Geneva refugee convention requires the international community to take in war refugees on humanitarian grounds. All signatory states are obligated to do. The German government explained this policy in their call yesterday.”




Likely execution for Christian woman accused of blasphemy in Pakistan

This news story isn’t all that new. The Christian woman who is facing her final hearing to decide whether she’ll receive the death penalty in Pakistan for blaspheming (in this case speaking against the Prophet Muhammad) has been waiting since that eventful day in 2009 to discover her final fate. It was in the summer of 2015 that Pakistan’s Supreme Court suspended her execution.

What actually happened in 2009? It was five days after the incident in June 2009, where several local Muslim women refused to drink water from the same bowl as an “unclean” Christian, a local imam – who was not present during the original argument – accused Ms Bibi of defaming the Prophet. It was this blasphemy which has left Ms Asia Bibi on death row.

Amnesty International have been raising awareness of the case with their UK Director general saying:  “This is the latest blasphemy outrage to come out of Pakistan. It seems obvious that this is a case of religious persecution, and it’s very likely the result of a squabble which escalated out of all proportion. Blasphemy accusations in Pakistan are often used to settle petty vendettas and persecute minority groups. It’s a complete disgrace that the courts are complicit in these vendettas. Asia Bibi and Mohammad Asghar are both languishing on death row for crimes which shouldn’t even be criminalised. They should both be released immediately. Pakistan should get rid of these poisonous blasphemy laws.”